Promosalons is the only non-profit network of its kind in the world, harnessing innovative skill sets and methods to promote and market French trade shows internationally.

Our mission

To increase the number of international visitors and exhibitors at French trade shows.
And in doing so, contribute to the attractiveness of France and Paris as flagship locations for international events.

Promosalons represents 60 of France’s 80 international trade shows, the majority of which rank among the global leaders in their field. Promosalons also support organisers as they adapt their trade shows for overseas markets.

Our expertise

Promosalons helps exhibition and event organisers to develop their strategy and ensures that the most appropriate sales, marketing and promotional actions are put in place to attract and retain international visitors and exhibitors.

Our strenghts:

  • Unrivalled geographical coverage: 50 offices in 80 countries on 5 continents.
  • Bicultural experts: our teams have a profound grasp of both French and the local culture enabling them to tailor the French shows’ strategies to the specific local socio-economic environment.
  • A dual role – advice and action: our teams draw on their knowledge of their local markets to advise the show organisers and work with them to define appropriate promotional campaigns.
  • Proximity to foreign markets: our experts are based in the field and so have close relationships with the economic and corporate players in their countries. 
  • Dynamic and passionate teams who work closely with French trade shows. 
  • Recognized expertise in 20 industry sectors.
  • Efficient monitoring tools (CRM, reporting) 

Our headquarters

Bernard Michel President
Corinne Moreau Chief Executive Officer
Augustin Lerolle Administrative and Financial Director
Magali Jorgensen Sales Director
Bérengère Bonnet Promotion Manager
Lydia Takourabt Digital Marketing and CRM Manager
Sylvain Lartige Audit Manager
Oumnia Najdi Communications Officer
Daniel Cohen Executive Assistant / Accounting

Our Board of Directors

Founded in 1967, Promosalons is a non-profit association governed by the French Law of 1901. Its Board of Directors comprises 24 membres, representing Institutional Partners and French trade show organisers. The members (organizers) are elected by the General Assembly. 

  • Institutions
  • Organisers
Carine Robitaillie BUSINESS FRANCE
Bernard Michel CCI Paris Ile-de-France
Pierre Trouillet CCI Paris Ile-de-France
Rachel Chicheportiche CCI Paris Ile-de-France
John Shaw Comité des expositions de Paris
Jérémy Redler Conseil régional d’Ile-de-France 
Stéphanie Tison MEDEF
Tom Lucas Ministère de l’Economie, des Finances – (DGE)
Anne-Marie Quemener UNIMEV
Pénelope Komites Mairie de Paris 
Arnaud Burlin Viparis
Renaud Hamaide Comexposium
Laurent Noël Comexposium
Ryad Mestar Comexposium
Stéphane Kintzig Congrès-expositions Bordeaux
Stéphanie Comere GIE Objectif Transport Public
Claude Cham Equip Auto SAS
Anne-Manuele Hebert RX France
Michel Filzi RX France
Filipo Rean RX France
Philippe Delhomme SAFI
Guillaume Bourdeloux SIAE
Sylvain Faureau Vinexposium

Join the association

Being a member of Promosalons gives you access to a network spread across 50 countries. Supporting your international development, Promosalons delegates are the spokespersons of your exhibition to your local targets and answer their questions on a daily basis.

What are the advantages of membership?

  • Permanent local representation through our 52 offices covering more than 120 countries
  • Global visibility and reach: your exhibition will be included in all promotional material sent to relevant stakeholders and opinion leaders worldwide and listed on our five-language website
  • Personalised advice and assistance in defining your international development strategy
  • Network coordination: you will be assigned a single contact person in Paris who will coordinate all your agents, regional coordination zones and meetings organised by Promosalons to enable you to meet all your agents in Paris once or twice a year
  • Participation in collective promotion campaigns organised by Promosalons with various institutional partners

How to join?

Membership of Promosalons is open to any exhibition or event held in France that requires visitor promotion.
Your membership application will be presented to the Promosalons Board of Directors which will review it in accordance with the statutes and internal regulations.

Fees and billing

  • Annual fee: As a member of Promosalons, you pay an annual fee equivalent to 8% of the amount spent on visitor promotion (fees, expenses, media plan, etc.). The fee is payable annually irrespective of the frequency of your event. The amount is capped at €9,600, with a minimum of €2,000. Membership fee entitles you to all the benefits offered to members.
  • Pricing of our services: In addition to the annual fee, you will be billed for each promotion plan carried out for your event in the countries selected. On receipt of your schedule of requirements and objectives, our offices will provide you with a strategic promotion plan, which will include a sector analysis and recommended actions to be taken in the specified countries to enable you to achieve your objectives. We will provide you with a precise quotation for this work (direct expenses incurred passed on to you and billing of our offices’ fees), which you must accept for each individual office carrying out visitor promotion on your behalf..

Our partners

Atout France
Business France
CCI Paris Ile-de-France
CCI internationale
Comité des Expositions de Paris (CEP)
Conseil régional d’Ile-de-France (CRT)
Direction générale des entreprises (DGE)
Mairie de Paris
Ministère de l’Europe et des affaires étrangères