
Promosalons Nigeria is the Nigerian subsidiary of Promosalons France, the largest network service for French trade shows abroad. Created in 2004, Promosalons Nigeria is the Nigerian delegation of Promosalons network. Its aim is to promote French trade in Nigeria through various actions including marketing actions, press / public relations and support to Nigerian visitors and exhibitors who wish to attend major French trade shows.

Promosalons Nigeria was formerly located in the office of the Franco-Nigerian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and recently decided to be independent in Nigeria as it is the practice in other part of the World.

Promosalons Paris, later approved the extension of Promosalons Nigeria service to cover Cameroun and Gabon in 2011.

Our services are to:

  • To help promoting French International Exhibitions toward foreign markets as well as support
  • To provide Nigerians, Cameroonians & Gabonese, with pertinent information and help them participating to French International trade shows
  • To help Nigerian, Cameroonians & Gabonese Visitors, Exhibitors, Corporate Bodies, Government agencies in organizing their visit to French trade shows we represent.
  • To disseminate information and communicate all relevant information (admission, travel, etc.) to Nigerians, Cameroonians & Gabonese visitors and company executives wishing to attend international trade shows taking place in France and other part of the World.
  • Lobbying: Our network is a dual-nationality one in every region of the globe where it operates and this cross-cultural approach enables us to develop effective lobbying strategies and relations with the relevant institutions and opinion leaders in each individual market.
  • Monitoring markets and marketing strategies: Our permanent presence in international markets gives us a basis for undertaking national and local analyses of economic trends, preparing in-depth studies of industry consolidation processes, and forecasting future economic trends.
Trade shows


Paris Nord Villepinte


Lyon - Eurexpo


Paris Nord Villepinte

SIAL Paris

Paris Nord Villepinte


Paris Expo - Porte de Versailles


Paris Nord Villepinte
Our partners